
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Must Haves...

Fashion experts such as June Ambrose and Nina Garcia have compiled their lists of Must Haves. That is, a list full of things that every woman must have in their closet. From the classic white button-down shirt to the crisp fall trench coat, those are the kinds of pieces the experts recommend to all of the fashionistas out there. Although most men do not share that kind of fashion sentiment, they do keep up with the latest must haves in golf gear or computer gadgets. Just google the thing that peaks your current interest and a list of things you must have will pop-up on your computer screen.

Well I have joined the revolution and compiled a list of things I recommend as Must Haves. That is, a list of things that every person must have to achieve and maintain a life that is balanced and productive.

1. An Active Goal.
You should always have something new to which you resolve to bring about in your life. When you direct your efforts toward an expected end, you increase your faith in yourself, gain a sense of purpose, and experts say you can add years to your life. When selecting a goal, make sure that is it reasonable and develop a plan that will help you achieve and maintain it.

2. A Book.
Reading a book expands vocabulary; improves spelling, memory, focus, and analytical thinking; and can empower you to change the course of your life. I recommend reading at least 30 minutes a day. You should select books written about your career choice; books that empower you to develop personally; and a books based on fiction or a hobby.

3. A Friend.
Friends are extremely hard to come by these days. So, if you can find one in a lifetime, you are truly fortunate. Having someone in your life that shares your same interests, offers an ear to listen, and provides an outlet for you to really be who you are, can be helpful in maintaining balance. This person should not be a “yes man”, but should offer objective advice. After all you will not be right all of the time and someone needs to be there to remind you of that fact.

4. A Mentor.
In addition to your friend you should have someone in your life that has mastered the art of living. It should be someone that is skillful in their career and balanced in their personal life. Your mentor doesn’t have to be someone that you know personally. You can follow the formulas of well known entrepreneurs such as Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and Martha Stewart. You can find someone that has mastered whatever discipline you find yourself in. You can read the books they have written, follow the blogs they have published, and look in the archives for old speeches or interviews.

There you have list that every person looking to improve, develop, or change their life must have.

To Blog…Nakeia

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